Add crossing before too late

An 88-year-old woman was hit crossing 224th Street in June.

An 88-year-old woman was hit crossing 224th Street in June.

Editor, The News:

Re: No crossing light is Redunkulis (Along the Fraser, July 22).

Jack Emberly’s article brings to the fore, again, the issue of a pedestrian crossing light on 224th Street north of Brown Avenue.

Following Phil Melnychuk’s article on July 7, I contacted both your reporter and Michael Eng, and found, that although some information in the column was a bit misleading, Mr. Eng continues to downgrade the importance of a light.

As chairperson of the Maple Ridge Seniors Safety Control Committee, I researched information regarding 224th Street.

More than 600 seniors live in those blocks, 2,340 members of Royal Canadian Legion Branch 88 access its lounge and office there, and the Ridge Members Seniors Society has 1,200-plus members using the activity centre there.

Is this not enough vehicular (forgetting the pedestrian) traffic to warrant a light to protect the pedestrians?

We circulated a petition and garnered more than 300 signatures of support.

Does the opinion of your employers not count, Mr. Eng?

When our committee made a presentation to a meeting of Maple Ridge council, we were given a document stating: “Workplan Highlights – 12011 – Improvements – Seniors Area on 224th Street, Design a Pedestrian Activated Signal (Budget 2013)”.

We were disappointed by the timeline, but accepted the proposal.

Now, Mr. Eng, are you reneging on this promise?

Yes, Mr. Emberly, this is “redunkulis’.

If Mr. Eng’s statements prove to be correct, our committee will be reactivated as we are adamant that pedestrians, especially senior pedestrians, be protected.  Do we want to see further injuries and perhaps death to other pedestrians?


Bonita Klovance

Maple Ridge

Maple Ridge News