Added congestion new standard in Langley City

New multi-family complexes such as The Suede have made driving on 54A Avenue a challenge, as it is a narrow street with vehicles parked along both sides.

New multi-family complexes such as The Suede have made driving on 54A Avenue a challenge, as it is a narrow street with vehicles parked along both sides.

Editor: Once again, Fat Cat Fassbender is caving into the developers and creating another congested situation on 54A Ave in Langley.

When he and Langley City council allowed a development called “The Suede” to build a 69-unit complex with only 81 parking spots, and have their parking garage empty onto 54A Avenue instead of the rear of the complex, like every other complex on the street, it seems he has set the standard for added congestion on Langley streets to be part of real estate developments to come.

Now there is a complex of townhomes to be built at the corner where Michaud Crescent, 201A Street and 54A Avenue come together.  Even though this new development has a Michaud Crescent address and an existing driveway that empties onto that street, the City council is going to allow the developer to change the parking access to enter 54A Avenue.

When asked if the development can change its parking entrance to Michaud Crescent, one of his worship’s hired guns stated that doing so would not fit into the city’s plan for Michaud Crescent to be a pedestrian pathway?

My question to that paid official is how can a street like Michaud Crescent, one that is twice as wide with traffic that moves two to three times as fast as that of 54A, be a “pedestrian pathway?”

It doesn’t make a lot of sense to me but obviously, being one of the unwashed masses in Langley, I’m probably not supposed to understand.

I guess our saving grace on our newly-narrowed one-lane street is the fact that “The Suede” has only sold a couple of the 69 units they have available, and this new development is a year away so traffic has been the same as usual.

But don’t worry about the money, Mr. Fassbender. I’m sure their tax revenue check is in the mail.

Bill Romswinckel,

Langley City

Langley Times