Addres the exodus from Port Sidney

Island Cruising is the latest business to vacate the Seaport East property.

Island Cruising is the latest business to vacate the Seaport East property. Ever since SWP took over the ground lease in 2007 we have not only witnessed a steady exodus of businesses from Port Sidney but a steady decline in the condition and appearance of the buildings those businesses once occupied.

The lease holder, responsible for the maintenance of the buildings, has shown little interest in living up to those responsibilities and appears to care little for the impact this has had and is having on the businesses there. Why is SWP not living up to their maintenance obligations outlined in their lease with the town?

Last spring the town advised those concerned that they would address the Port Sidney maintenance issues through the newly created Ports and Waterfront infrastructure committee (PWIC) chaired by Steve Price.

The town and the committee seem to have taken no further action.

It appears the town is quite content to fiddle while the buildings continue to deteriorate. It is a shame that this once vibrant waterfront area teeming with tourists and thriving businesses has been allowed to decline to a state of disrepair and dereliction.

That this town-owned waterfront property is in a state of neglect is inexcusable. This is not the way to promote Sidney as an attractive town.

Ed East, Sidney

Peninsula News Review