Administrator vital to local government

All communities with elected officials need a municipal administrator or chief executive officer.

All communities with elected officials need a municipal administrator or chief executive officer.

The CEO’s function is to ensure the municipal government is abiding by the multiple levels of law they are required to abide by.

Few, if any elected officials go into their positions with a working knowledge of municipal law, municipal management protocols or the ability to do municipal financial accounting with its need to know changing laws.

Few, if any elected officials have certified credentials in municipal planning and development, although some perhaps have a strong desire to circumnavigate bylaws in place.

The community’s municipal administrator’s function is to oversee all of these functions and more, as it is the administrator’s job to ride herd on elected officials.

Recent comments in the Eagle Valley News inferred that the current mayor and council don’t see a need for a municipal administrator at this time, nor do they particularly want one that ‘pushes back’ at council.

Excuse me?

All communities with elected officials need a municipal administrator or chief executive officer -– Sicamous most of all.

Teresa Andrews



Eagle Valley News