Adult ball parks on West Shore rare

Re: Glen Lake park eyed for overhaul, News, Jan. 11, 2012.

Re: Glen Lake park eyed for overhaul, News, Jan. 11, 2012.

I read that Langford is eyeing Glen Lake park for an overhaul. What about also seriously thinking about building a ball complex, suitable for adult use, somewhere in the West Shore, or at the least diamonds that are suitable for adult play?

I play in a mixed over 50 slo-pitch league on the West Shore. Recently all the leagues that use Ed Fisher Park received a letter stating that Ed Fisher is being deemed “youth use only.”

There are very few fields on the West Shore that are suitable for adult ball, Ed Fisher being one of them.

Fields are being built but they are never permitted for adult ball and certainly aren’t big enough to accommodate an adult batter. Ed Fisher is one of only a couple that are suited for us, with Juan de Fuca and Belmont being the others. Yet these fields are being taken away from us and not being replaced with anything.  Soon there will be no fields in the West Shore where an adult league can play.

Adults are left to play on school fields that are sub-par and in some instances dangerous, such as Wishart, Colwood and Glen Lake elementary which since shutting down gets no maintenance, is littered in dog feces and ankle-breaker pot holes.

Once Belmont is sold, that field will also be gone. Adults need to stay physically fit, but it is becoming harder to do that. We are being pushed out of our own community.

I think a ball complex that is adult friendly would be very well received and profitable for the community.

Lenora Peatt





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