Adults’ role is to protect children

NANAIMO: We can set good examples by calling a person, whether known to us or not, on bullying.

To the Editor,

Once again we see tragic results of school-aged bullies.

Fifteen-year-old Amanda Todd was bullied and moved to three different schools to avoid the abuse she suffered at the hands of cyber bullies.

Many people who have seen her YouTube post telling her story before taking her own life, put the blame, or at least some of it, on this child.

Amanda made a bad mistake. She admitted it, apologized, owned it and took responsibility for her actions. Her so-called peers were unable to show the same kind of courage she did, by standing up for her, or supporting her.

Oct. 10 was World Mental Health Day, and Oct. 11 International Day to Recognize Women, and still we see children killing themselves as a solution to the abuse they suffer, or being shot by the Taliban on a school bus for having the courage to stand up for one’s self.

We cannot expect children to understand on their own the damage inflicted by bullying, but we can teach them right from wrong. We can break the cycle of bullying that, usually, comes from their homes and families, by teaching them to speak out against bullying when they see it happening.

We can set good examples by calling a person, whether known to us or not, on bullying and, in the case of employees, hold them accountable for allowing abuse to continue unchecked.

These are our children. We all have a role to play in protecting them.

We all have to take responsibility, and play a role in stopping this horrible crime against children and adults.

Bill Bard



school district

Nanaimo News Bulletin