On the Ropes - Tom Roper

Adventure to be had whatever your level is

Tom recounts some spring outings in the beautiful Bulkley Valley

We all have different styles and levels of adventure. This community has produced so many world-class athletes and champions that it is hard to believe. I think it could have a bit to do with our location and our accessible sports venues just up the road and over the hill.

After one of the better snow condition winters with day after day of perfect skiing, Nordic and downhill you would wonder how the next season can compete.

But it will and can by starting off with a not-so strenuous hike up Malkow Lookout with my friend, Stan. What a nice jaunt, a good trail and a sweet view. I have always taken my city slicker friends and family for a climb there. Did you know this trail goes through several private properties and we are grateful for their permission to pass through their land.

LAST WEEK: In search of a perfect load of dirt

Our next hike took us out to an area around Barrett Hat, near Houston, which is locally known as Franklandia. Frank has dedicated himself to developing this area for hikers and bikers in the summer and skiers and snowshoers in the winter. Through the group, Morice Outdoor Recreation Society and in conjunction with Brandy Hughes of Trails and Recreation B.C. a serious network of swamps, trails, and lakes are just waiting for you to explore.

An awesome shelter has been built on top of the Hat and the view of the Bulkley River and Telkwa Range is very sweet. This hike is family-friendly and difficult to get lost.

MORE ON THE ROPES: R.E.S.P.E.C.T. How about a little for our beautiful environment

I say that because back in the day my old friend, Tony, had a company called “Take A Hike Tours.” I wanted a company too, so I started one in my own mind and called it “Get Lost Tours” and many a time I was able to fulfill that moniker.

With the snowmelt happening fairly quickly this spring we have enjoyed several summer days with record high temperatures.

A couple of friends were ready for an ATV adventure. I met up with Steven and Richard and then joined Harold at the 4 Corners. This area is up in the hills above Quick and the logging roads were actually dry.

We attempted to find the trail to Deception Lake but were foiled as there was still a fair amount of snow at the higher elevations. No problem as we now had time to check out a couple of waterfalls formed on Deep Creek that flow from Farwell Lake into the Bulkley River.

I had been to the lake before but had never seen these falls. What a treat, 45 years wandering the valley and never been to this site. Wow!

If you have any adventures you would like to share with our community please drop me an email tr.ranch@hotmail.com or call 250-877-1806.

Thanks, Tom

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