The Gardener’s Corner

Advice on planting and pruning fruit trees

With spring on the horizon, Erik is excited about his apple trees blossoming

My tuberous begonias, which I had stored in peat moss during the winter and planted into very moist soil, have now set leaves.

By using 3.5 x 3.5 pots, I got 18 into a flat. I just read an article about vegetable gardening, but I like to think that most of it applies to gardening in general. The point of the article was to get us to think of something else besides COVID – 19.

There is a lot of value in having fruit trees. After three to four years, you can have enough apples to make juice or sauce.

I have two prune trees from which I make jam, and I dry some in my dehydrator.

I also have three apple trees, and when they bloom, it is breathtaking. They don’t bloom simultaneously. I better stop before I get too emotional about it.

After reading about my excitement, perhaps you would like to try out a fruit tree? Before you go to the nursery, here is something to consider first—all fruit trees require pruning.

Nearly anyone can learn how to prune. Yes, you can hire someone to do it, but unfortunately, not many people you hire know the pruning art.

On your first visit to the garden centre, you may want to take notes. You are now standing among many fruit trees and now have to decide which kind and variety you want. You should write down what is available and then go home and do some research.

Today most fruit trees come in the size of semi-dwarf.

To decide on how many trees to buy depends on your available space. Consider the height of the tree you like. The roots will spread out that much from the spot where you are thinking of planting it. Now you can go back and buy what you have decided on.

Before I leave the subject of fruit trees, here is something worth trying for those of you who already have older fruit trees. When you do the pruning, set aside a dozen short end branches. Lay the thick ends on a hard surface and give them some taps with a hammer (doing this will help the water to draw up) before you take them into the house and put them in a vase with water; they will bloom in about a week. Only the flower buds will flower. The others are leaf buds.

I seeded my all-season Cauliflowers four days ago. When I got up this morning, the seedlings greeted me. Now I will sow the kale. When sowing kale, I only use fifty percent of the seeds and the other half two months later. Because kale can withstand some frost, I will be able to harvest a second crop. Both Cauliflower and Kale seedlings will be transplanted into 3.5 x 3.5 pots when they have two sets of leaves.

If you have questions, please email me at

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