Airport benefit or make-work?

"Should Port Alberni taxpayers fund make-work projects?" asks letter writer.

To the Editor,

Should Port Alberni taxpayers fund make-work projects?

Years ago, firemen doubled as paramedics. Their response time and effectiveness hasn’t improved since the  government doubled the bureaucracy and added a million-dollar building.

Los Angeles firemen double as summer lifeguards to cut city costs while our costs double.

When a maintenance contractor sets off a home security alarm, our Cadillac emergency service sends paramedics, firemen and police.

If airport expansion is deemed a worthy make-work project, will city and rural homeowners contribute and will annual user cost and rents repay investment, or is this corporate welfare?

Should we have a referendum on this and on shedding the McLean Mill yoke to pay for this?

RJ Frankow,

Port Alberni

Alberni Valley News