Airport not just for one person

Shot-sighted to believe that airport expansion would only benefit Coulson, letter writer says.

To the Editor,

Re: Airport runway expansion.

Although the Coulson Group is currently the major user at the Alberni Valley Regional Airport, it is extremely short-sighted of those opposing expansion of the airport to say the money invested would only benefit Coulsons.

Aside from the increase in jobs that the proposed airport improvements would create directly at Coulson’s, there will no doubt be a spinoff of job creation/boost to businesses in town as a result of those positions.

A longer runway, along with GPS, would enable commercial airlines to land here,   further benefiting others than just Coulsons.

Another thing: proposed food trucks on Centennial Pier?  In my opinion this should not happen.  There are so many food options down at Harbour Quay already, most of which rely on the extra summer traffic to get them through the quieter winter months.

Most pay taxes all year and stay open all year. I do realize competition is a fact of doing business, but…

Also, during the summer months there is a strong afternoon wind down there and any umbrellas, product, etc. that is outside on the pier is going to get blown away.  Anyone who has been to the outdoor market at Victoria Quay during the summer (which is a wonderful idea), either as a vendor or supporter, will attest to how hard it is to hold down their tents, table and products.

A thought on the Five Acre Shaker: if it’s the last year there, no problem, as it’s benefitting at-risk youth.  Unlike the Fall Fair and Salmon Festival however, it’s on until at least 2 a.m. each night with lyrics that are offensive to many ears, especially the elderly.

Hopefully the large police and fire presence on site will keep tire-squealers and others who give the event a bad reputation, under control.

Lorraine Brunt,

Port Alberni

Alberni Valley News