Alberni city council not up Ship Creek

Alberni city councillors are fools for wanting to spend money on new pools when more infrastructure like roads and sewers need repairs.

To the Editor,

A completed industrial road from Ship Creek Road to Redford Street along the waterfront has absolutely nothing to do with coal or grants from senior governments.

It has everything to do with removing truck traffic from Third and Anderson Avenues, and with borrowing $6 million for the project such as was done for the more expensive Multiplex.

Addle-headed thinking here from all concerned has given priority to utterly wasteful spending at Harbour Quay, renewing the Bob Dailey track, and a new pool.

Meanwhile, our sewers are collapsing, our roads are rutting and deteriorating, and we can’t find any money to correct flooding on lower Third Avenue.

Get used to the idea that without funding help from Ottawa or Victoria, we have to undertake such projects ourselves.

Why the citizenry of this community put up with all the heavy trucks running through town is indeed a mystery.

But even more of a puzzle is why civic voters elect, time after time, people who do nothing about the industrial road, battered city streets, collapsing sewers and secondary sewage treatment.

Richard Berg,

Port Alberni

Alberni Valley News