Aldergrove Pool answers wanted from candidates

Residents want to know if candidates will back completion of pool in next council term.

Editor: I am writing this to you as a very concerned Aldergrove resident.

With the current election campaign underway, and the next term being four and  not three years, I am concerned that even the longer term will not produce the long- promised pool for Aldergrove.

As I am personally weighing my decision on whom to vote for, I am asking members of the community and newspapers to please pose the following question to the candidates publicly: “Will you make the completion of the Aldergrove Pool and Recreation Centre a top priority during your term as a councillor?  Yes or No?”

I will also be asking them this question, but I believe that I and other Aldergrove residents need to see the answers in print and publicly.  We have been waiting long enough for this pool and my vote will only go to those that will finally stand up publicly and promise to make this happen during the next term in office.

Joanne Nicolato,


Langley Times