Align your ideals – Chronicle editorial

Public must do their due diligence when it comes to choosing local representatives

They’ve stepped forward and are ready to fight for your vote. Some have experience, others don’t, but there is one thing all the candidates for council have in common, they all profess a love for Ladysmith and the people in it.

From there, it is hard to do wrong.

So long as all the people involved in running the town are all striving to make it a great place to live, great things should be on the horizon.

Sure there will be arguments along the way, it’s part of the process.

Even if everyone agrees on the destination, not all will want to choose the same path.

For some, new development might be a key part of achieving their vision for Ladysmith, for others, energizing the commercial sector will be vital and others will push for the preservation of lands.

Most will find a balance between most of those things to varying degrees.

Three people will be left out by the time all the votes have been counted, so make sure you select, back and vote for the candidates who best match your own visions for Ladysmith.

And while there will only be three people on the list not sitting at the table, don’t make this a negative process of selecting the people you like the least to leave out.

Some current councillors have said being a part of the team comes with a lot of sacrifice and in order to do the job, you must be willing to do your homework.

Now is the time to do yours.

Read the paper, talk to your neighbours and attend the debates to hear what people have to say before choosing the people who best represent you.

Ladysmith Chronicle