All are welcome at CEED Centre

CEED welcomes all but can't b condemned for the undesirable activities in the open areas next to its premises

Editor, The News:

Re: CEEDs of discontent (The News, Nov. 16).

One of the glories of Western Civilization was the tradition of the public meetings in the Agora of Athens, where people like Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and many others met to exchange ideas with any persons, including slaves.

An echo of that tradition exists in the regular open meetings held at our local CEED centre.

The attendees range from Ph.D.’s,  retired teachers, students, housewives, the homeless, candidates for municipal, provincial and federal office, rightists and  leftists. All are welcome.

Topics discussed have ranged from the Tea Party Manifesto to home remedies.

The accepted code means that every opinion will be respected.

But the discussions have had a host of practical outcomes. A brief list includes ESL classes, art and choral  activities, free access to computers, organic and community gardening initiatives,  providing facilities to a church group to serve meals,  support for  a  food co-op, the food-bank, environmental  issues,  GETI and Girl Guides. Naturally,  visitors and volunteers are always welcome.

Any undesirable activities in the open area next to the site are entirely beyond CEED’s wishes and control.

Charles Ellman

Maple Ridge

Maple Ridge News