All in all, it’s a good result

The earth is still in rotation, the sun has risen, sky’s are blue, and the land holds a promise of spring. Yet all has changed; the political evolution of Canada has once again taken a spin of such magnitude that the reality of four decades is gone.

The earth is still in rotation, the sun has risen, sky’s are blue, and the land holds a promise of spring.  Yet all has changed; the political evolution of Canada has once again taken a spin of such magnitude that the reality of four decades is gone.

A Conservative government has found its deliverance, with a  majority from the electorate. The Liberal’s big red machine, steeped in tradition and decay, has finally been relegated to the end of its shelf life.

Canadians have forced all parties in government to recognize the fact that the will of the people can not be ignored.  The political landscape of Canada has been forever changed.  Gone are the insecurities of minority government.

The people of Canada voted to tell politicians they felt ill-used with yet another election call.

The people of Canada did not enjoy the intrusion of personal vendettas, mindless direction on procedure, or education on the shortfalls of parliament.  In voice they said simply the will of the people is to move forward.  To emerge from the worst recession that the world has ever seen, and to remain one country undivided, resolute, in their unity of purpose.

The destruction of the Quebec separatist front has opened yet another door to the unification of Canada.  For decades, theirs has been a confrontation mindset, working for the destruction of our country.  To our lasting shame, this has been perpetuated by a series of governments thinking that the best way to placate the voice of discontent was to throw money at the problem.

The result we have created is a province long accustomed to the idea of priority funding, regardless of the cost to Canadians.  This ongoing stupidity can no longer be supported.

The results of the NDP efforts in Quebec astound.  I am troubled with the question – at what cost do the NDP accept this gift from “La Belle”  province?  Has the yoke of obligation been added to the role of the official opposition?

The emergence of the NDP as official opposition requires a completely new face on the role this party must now pursue.  Gone are the days of splendour and  promise, with no financial obligation.

The time of playing political games has given way to the reality of government of a country.

The NDP have earned one opportunity to emerge as a party willing to learn and grow in the direction of responsible government, with out the trapping of the perpetual down trodden.  Theirs is the obligation to show all  Canadians that they have emerged from  the fringe to the reality of playing centre stage.

The gift of a majority that is Stephen Harper’s is in truth a question of trust.  People trust that he will guide Canada away from the abyss of  economic ruin, now halting the rejuvenation  of once prominent nations.  We have stated that we as Canadians have the ability to adjust competitively to the world marketplace.

Jack Layton has the job of keeping Stephen Harper honest. It is our strongest  wish that our seniors live in a society crafted to the dignity of life they have earned. That all children be availed the opportunities that make up Canada, they are the future.  That Canada has earned the right to live in freedom, and  the world has realized our values, as our strengths.  That we as Canadians retain the ability to embrace peoples of the earth without predetermined prejudice.  That we in turn are judged as a honest measure of humanity.

Tony Vincenzi is a writer living in Terrace.  He can be reached at


Terrace Standard