All must save fish

Kudos to Dave Miller’s recent letter about fishing. Every day that I fished the Skeena, the nets were out catching sockeye.

Dear Sir:

Kudos to Dave Miller’s recent letter about fishing. Every day that I fished the Skeena, the nets were out catching sockeye.

This food fishery doesn’t make sense to me.

I watched where a lot of these nets were pulled, any pinks caught  were unceremoniously booted back into the water dead.

Sure doesn’t seem to me to be a food fishery.

The nets weren’t lifted out until the sockeye run was almost over.

Like Dave’s letter said, we all need to participate in saving the sockeye run, not just the sport fishermen and the commerce fisher and myself,  but every one.

Willy Cure,

Terrace, BC

Terrace Standard