All off-leash dog parks should be enclosed

To the Editor,

Re: Canine owners provide feedback on off-leash sites, Feb. 8.

I am a new dog owner of a beautiful puppy and I can’t say how much I appreciate the Beban off-leash park. The experience of watching your dogs socialize positively is wonderful.

However, it is the responsibility of the dog owner to follow all of the rules if we all want to have this wonderful experience.

My puppy was recently attacked at the off-leash site by a dog that “is not socially friendly when there are many dogs around,” out of the mouth of the owner.

One of the rules, posted clearly, is if your dog is aggressive you are not supposed to have them there. These types of sites only work when all the rules are followed. Dogs can’t read, dog owners can.

Dogs can be unpredictable and I think most of us know that. In saying that, I disagree with having off-leash sites that are not fenced.

I, for one, would not bring my dog to a site where there was no fencing – what if my dog decided to run off? While she is extremely friendly, I don’t want her knocking down and inspiring fear in a small child.

I have had many conversations with other dog owners who live all over town and most of them said the same thing. They would all like to have an off-leash site closer to their neighbourhood, but if it’s not enclosed they wouldn’t take their dogs there.

T. Copeland


Nanaimo News Bulletin