All pipelines are dangerous

Firstly, we have the Enbridge oil sands pipeline which is a threat to our environment and the future of our children.


Firstly, we have the Enbridge oil sands pipeline which is a threat to our environment and the future of our children.

Most British Columbians do not want to see its construction, running through our territories, over and or through our rivers, our mountains and our backyards.

Secondly, there is the LNG, the liquefied natural gas industry and their pipelines, which are equally as threatening as an oil pipeline, perhaps even more so.

Thirdly, there is the Eagle Spirit oil pipeline which although is not related or a part of the Enbridge company, it is as much a threat as any other project.

Boasting to be a First Nations company does not make it any different or right to be accepted, a pipeline is a pipeline, an oil spill is an oil spill.

It will be as catastrophic as any other spill and is contrary to our culture, traditions and teachings of our elders and spiritual leaders.

I was taught by elders and spiritual leaders, from many nations throughout North and South America. They taught me that we First Nations were put here on Turtle Island to be the guardians and caretakers of this part of great mother Earth.

I say ‘no’ to Enbridge. I say ‘no’ to LNG and I say ‘no’ to Eagle Spirit pipeline!

Let’s stand united against all these projects!

Aaron J. GreyCloud

Terrace, B.C.

The Northern View