Alternative MP

Why is our MP looking at vitamins in light of the many serious issues facing Canadians?

I was pleased to see MP James Lunney has a plan (The News, Sept. 25).

On the same page, by coincidence or design, was a sad story about the rise in the number of food banks in our country over the last 30 years. According to the UN Special Report on the Right to Food, 900,000 households in our supposedly wealthy country do not earn enough or receive enough assistance to pay for their basic housing and food necessities.

No doubt these folks will be really happy to hear that Lunney has a plan to put forward a private member’s bill to implement a National Vitamin D Day.

In our next federal election, I will be voting for a candidate with different priorities. I would suggest an urgent review of minimum wage levels and social assistance benefits. We need a representative who has the courage and energy to fight for the elimination of poverty in our country. Once we have accomplished that, perhaps we can talk about alternative medicine.

Rhys Harrison





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