Amalgamation of French Creek

Such an obvious political trial balloon by our wonderfully transparent municipal leaders.

Re: the possible changes to municipal boundaries in the future (The NEWS,Feb. 9).

Oh my. Such an obvious political trial balloon by our wonderfully transparent municipal leaders.

Would the local politicians please quit messing with things that are not broken? Are they perfect, no, but I would suggest, to the largest percentage they are working well for the majority. However, the alternate changes indicated in the article to those electoral boundaries are certainly worse, from a standpoint of dipping into our pockets — enough already.

I know a number of our local politicians personally. Wonderful people as individuals, unfortunately as a collective they can’t agree on how to fix what they already have to deal with. Potentially looking to fund that ineptness with a tax grab from people who chose, I would suggest very willingly, to live in Area G, warts and all. We certainly did 20-plus years ago — it is very cost effective and sufficiently rural without being remote.

While the story did not suggest there are politicians in Parksville and Qualicum Beach seeking to grab parts of Area G for their municipalities, those councils must learn to work together putting their own houses in order, showing effective and professional stewardship for their electorate as a whole, leaving personal agendas and special interest favours off the discussion table, before looking for a tax grab from their neighbours next door.

Brian CullingworthParksville

Parksville Qualicum Beach News