Amalgamation study

Resident wants the discussion to continue over governance

Wow, hello Mr. Thorburn and thanks for your letter.

I have been a Vernon resident and homeowner for almost 20 years now. Many times, I have heard people say, “Oh, I live in Coldstream,” with a touch of self-satisfaction in their voice.

That’s fine by me. I chose the Bella Vista and am proud to live in what I consider to be the best part of this world.

For the most part, I sit the fence on the amalgamation issue but have often wondered about the number of non-resident (Coldstream, BX) citizens who utilize Vernon for all services, recreation, shopping, etc.

The figures he quoted are hard to ignore and certainly do illustrate the need for a further look at this unbalanced equation.

Look around. More public facilities are aging, infrastructure is outdated, and the demand for more of most everything grows.

So, I for one, hope to see this discussion continue.


C.G. Lightfoot




Vernon Morning Star