Amalgamation would not work for Cumberland

Dear editor,

Control in the hands of a few may be in the best interests of Courtenay but definitely not for Cumberland.

Dear editor,

Re: Nov. 28 letter on amalgamation.

Control in the hands of a few may be in the best interests of Courtenay but definitely not for Cumberland.

The Village of Cumberland is a destination for many outdoor enthusiasts and young families and we are excited about our future. We are thriving quite well, thank you, even fixing infrastructure issues left by former mayors and councils that have been left to deteriorate for decades.

Cumberland has its own reliable water system and a regional sewer system is currently in the works. Our volunteer fire department is

fantastic and we are very proud of them and lucky to have them right in the village. We are also extremely fortunate for our ambulance service and a big heartfelt thank you to both these outstanding departments.

It is time to work together and I believe the current mayors and councillors and the regional district directors from the Valley are trying hard to do that right now.

Communities can exist separately to govern themselves and at the same time work together for the Valley as a whole. How lucky we are to live in this beautiful area.

Vera Lynn Moan,



Comox Valley Record