Americans chose progress

Under Obama, government plays a vital role in providing a level playing field for all

In reply to Mark Walker’s dismal column of Nov. 16, where he cries doom over the re-election of Barack Obama: Mr. Walker seems to be stuck in the 18th century along with de Tocqueville.

Mr. Walker and other simplistic thinkers ignore the wealth and improved living standards created by the Roosevelt New Deal project in the late ‘30s that continued through the rest of the century.

Can he deny that the vast majority of the U.S. and Canadian population are far better off than they were in the first 30 years of the 20th century?

American voters were faced with a stark choice this month: a return to the dark days of laissez-faire capitalism, where the role of government is simply to fund the military and intelligence services under Romney, or a progressive and compassionate future under Obama, where government plays a vital role in providing a level playing field for all. They chose progress.

Don’t worry Mr. Walker, old white guys will be OK.

Bob Nicholson





Penticton Western News