An idea to run up the flagpole


Re: Feeling blue over painting it black, Aug. 23 letters.


Re: Feeling blue over painting it black, Aug. 23 letters.

I am White Rock resident, recently moved from Ontario, and I love “my city by the sea.”

I am a daily walker and enjoy every moment while I am at the sea.

The decision by Dan Bottrill of painting the railings black should not be taken as personal. The city manager has to be a decision maker and he has to think what is good for the city.

In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with black.

I agree with letter-writer Donna Burns that the colour blue gives you calmness, but there is plenty of blue sky and water to gives you serene feeling. How much difference can blue light poles and railings make?

People just don’t go to beach for blue poles or railings, they go to enjoy nature, if I am not wrong!

To my observation, the light poles and railings are aging and one can see rust all over, and it is difficult for the city to maintain with blue colour. Black covers the rusty-looking railing well, and black is a graceful and forever colour.

Yesterday, when I went for the morning walk, I started counting all the light posts. Why doesn’t the city post permanent flags on all poles with Commonwealth countries and all Canadian provinces flags; those flags are in numbers almost same as the poles we have.

The colourful flags will bring beautiful picturesque scenery, and it will create a discussion among tourists/visitors and resident alike in guessing which flag goes with which country, so on and so forth.

Many visitors would like to take photographs according to their nationalities and be happy to see their countries’ flags and create some sort of emotional feelings as well – and they would certainly appreciate White Rock’s open-mindedness.

Ken Khan, White Rock


Peace Arch News