An NDP government ‘agenda’ bad for B.C.

NANAIMO: Re: Cries about media left-wing whining, Letters, Sept. 6.

To the Editor,

Re: Cries about media left-wing whining, Letters, Sept. 6.

Grant Maxwell should stop beating around the bush and say what he means about “the inevitable”.

If after the election polls close in B.C. on May 14, 2013, and the NDP forms government, its agenda will include bankrupting the province, losing the triple AAA credit rating, turning B.C. once again to a ‘have not’ province, topping up all funding to government ministries, giving all government employees pay raises in return for an increase in taxes to the taxpayers, and having all decisions approved by B.C. Federation of Labour boss Jim Sinclair. Then it calls a provincial election in 2017, loses the election again to a coalition government which will have to start all over again cleaning up the mess. Just as Bill Bennett of the Social Credit party had to do after a Dave Barrett NDP government; and Gordon Campbell after a Glen Clark, Dan Miller, Ujjal Dosanjh NDP government.

Before marking a ballot, ask yourself who pays you a paycheque every second Friday?

Is it B.C. business or a union, and who do you want to manage your taxpayer dollars?

Governments are all the same in general, but some are better than others.

Taxpayers, who have the final say, always reprimand their teenagers about making bad decisions, yet, do exactly the same in a general election.

Quite comical, but very serious.

Joe Sawchuk


Nanaimo News Bulletin