An opportunity for a legacy

Resident supports the acquisition of the rail corridor

We moved to Vernon for its recreational opportunities and beautiful scenery.

I live on a fixed income, don’t like tax increases and don’t agree with all decisions made by our mayor and council but I think they have Vernon’s best interest at heart.

I am responding to Mr. Haas’ rail trail rant from the Feb. 20 issue. This is a unique opportunity for our area. I won’t go into all of the points he raised other than he needs to research how former rail trails turned multi-use trails have benefitted other places.

The trail won’t be used for daily business travel between Vernon and Kelowna, that’s not the point. But without a doubt, it will attract people who will bike, walk, and enjoy this trail and appreciate those who had the foresight to bring it into existence.

This is an investment in our community, an opportunity to leave a legacy. What we do with this opportunity speaks volumes about who we are and what we value.

I was not here when Kal Park, the Grey Canal and BX trails were first created but my family obtains immeasurable enjoyment from walking the trails.

Can you imagine not having them? I am certain it cost taxpayers money. We often use the swimming pool. Like most pools, it will be taxpayer subsidized. We enjoy the new library. I don’t play hockey or ball anymore but thank goodness my former town deemed a rink and ball diamonds a good expense.

Extra rinks in Vernon are an issue the current council must deal with. I know that others will get many hours of recreation from a new rink.

Hooray for Vernon finally getting a regulation-size track.

I could continue to expound on the taxpayer funded and subsidized amenities in this area. These are the facilities that bring life and families to a community.

What a bleak, boring place Vernon would be without them and the people who have the vision to create them. No one would want to live here and I think Mr. Haas would have objected to the creation of every single one of them.

I wonder if he ever avails himself of the amenities he so vehemently objects to? I’m grateful not everything boils down to economics. If it did, no one would have children – much too expensive!

I, too, want our government to be prudent with my tax dollars.

Although Mr. Haas seems to have all of the answers to the financial problems our city council is facing, I do not recall seeing his name on the last election ballot.


Russ Miller



Vernon Morning Star