An outsider’s view on cull

Educate the residents, put up proper signage, reduce the speeds and enforce the no feeding bylaws

As an outsider reading and hearing about this deer cull in Oak Bay it makes me wonder why it has progressed so far without the use of common sense.

As a former Victoria resident, I still access the various weeklies online and the number of letters and anti-cull news stories I read means that something simpler than a bloody cull can take place. Educate the residents, put up proper signage, reduce the speeds and enforce the no feeding bylaws and things could change.

The major problem I see is that the local police force does not want to enforce speed limits. The enormous amount of money that was spent to kill 11 deer could have been put to far better use. The community could have purchased some highly visible deer warning signs, educated the public, helped concerned residents with fencing and still have plenty left over. For some reason this was not an option. I think anybody who has been following this situation knows why.

I think it is time for mayor and council to shelve their egos and start acting as a proper council.

Mike Donovan

Ottawa, Ont.


Oak Bay News