An update

Mother provides an update on her daughter who is experiencing health challenges

We are very grateful for the continued well wishes, healing energy and prayers being directed towards Hayley and the efforts to help with her treatment for head pain.

Please, once again, take a moment to send a few extra thoughts to Hayley in the upcoming weeks. Shortly after the surgery to implant the stimulation into the temples, Hayley has had a battle with an infection in the incision over the right ear.  In spite of long-term antibiotic therapy, this has been impossible to halt, and now the doctors are afraid that this infection has compromised the actual wires.

This is requiring us to make an urgent trip to the Mayo Clinic, with appointments prior to the surgery scheduled for Oct. 9.

If, in fact, the wires are compromised, then the physicians are worried that they will have to remove the entire wire and stimulation system. There would have to be a period of healing before this could be re-inserted.

Needless to say, that thought and plan is devastating. During the last few months, Hayley has been out of bed and participating more than we have seen in quite awhile. We are hopeful that this stimulation will continue, however, it is required to make that happen.

Mike, Sloan and Stella Rose need Hayley out of bed as much as Hayley needs to be out of bed.     We are hopeful that the wonderful team we have at the Mayo Clinic will have some answers, and a great treatment plan.

One of the strange aspects of this pain complex is that the physicians have research outlining that it is possible that the “pain path highways” will not return, once they have been interrupted.

Please, along with the entire family and friend network for Hayley, let’s all hope and pray this might be the situation for Hayley and that the steady stimulation she has had over the last year has done a sufficient job of interrupting those pain pathways.

Please keep Hayley in your thoughts and prayers.

Kathy Goldie

(Hayley’s mom)



Vernon Morning Star