Animal cruelty case leaves reader sad for cat

Reader upset by cat's death says people who can not provide for their pets shouldn't have them

Re: Heavy flea infestation kills cat, owner charged (News. July 27)

I write this with much heartbreak and sadness for the poor cat that died. I have had four cats over the years, and unfortunately, due to a combination of illness and age, three of them have passed on.

I cried like a baby when I had to say my final goodbyes to each of them. I still have my beloved little diva, Olivia, and I constantly shower her with love and attention.

My cats have never been without food or water and all the comforts of home, and have been given huge amounts of love. If they even show a sign of discomfort or illness that could be serious, I have immediately taken them to my vet.

Animals are like children. They require care and love constantly. If a person cannot provide that, they should not adopt them into their home.

Tamara Shiels



Peninsula News Review