Animal intrusion


I have grown up in the White Rock area my whole life.

I now have a family of my own and make going down and spending the day at the beach part of our family life, no matter the season.


I have grown up in the White Rock area my whole life.

I now have a family of my own and make going down and spending the day at the beach part of our family life, no matter the season.

We try to support the community as much as possible. Although after the recent long weekend at the beach, I have become fed up.

There are always many bylaw officers walking the parking lot checking the ticket dispensers, but I have never seen a bylaw office actually walking the promenade. If they did, I bet they would be surprised at how many dogs they would come across.

No matter what time of year – although noticeably worse in the summer – there are always people walking their dogs along the promenade. The signs that are posted are minuscule in comparison to the parking rules.

I think it is time to have officers get out of their vehicles and take strolls, or increase the amount and size of signs.

Walk dogs at dog parks, not at a public walking promenade.

Teresa McKenzie, Surrey

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Horse poop!

At the many entrances to the Boundary Bay dykes are signs reminding me that I will be subject to fines if I do not clean up after my dog.

Hmmm… let me see now – I am fined for a small amount of poop left on the trail, while horse riders are able to leave large amounts of horse manure with apparently no consequences.

We have been hiking and biking around B.C., and you can be sure that on trails and roads close to horse stables, the poop piles are everywhere. With the arrival of a new stables close to the dykes, we now have to put up with the horse poop there as well.

I am sick and tired of having to walk/bike around these piles, while I, as a dog owner, am expected to pick up after my dogs.

It’s time that horse riders learnt the meaning of clean up, and started riding with a bag attached to their horses.

The manure piles are ugly, smelly, unsanitary and should not be allowed.


Maggie McLean, Surrey


Peace Arch News