Animal’s death may not be due to speed

There are no longer school speed limit signs at Willoughby Elementary.

Editor: I would like to respond to the letter by Patricia Tallman calling for speed traps (The Times, May 15).

I fail to see how a vehicle could possibly kill a rabbit between those overkill speed bumps in front of Alex Hope school. It was more likely killed by a predator who dropped it while crossing the road. There are hawks and owls and coyotes in that area.

In regards to the traffic around Willoughby Elementary,  I have noticed that since the approach roads and intersection at 80 Avenue and 208 Street have been upgraded, the school zone speed signs are no longer posted. There are many crosswalk warning signs but no speed restriction signs any more.

Perhaps there should be, but to the best of my knowledge when a school or playground is fenced, speed restrictions are not posted, as is the situation at Willoughby Elementary.

I do agree that people speed excessively, on 208 Street in particular.

While we are on the subject, and I hope someone at the Township reads this, why is it that developers are only required to upgrade only one side of 208 Street when building a new complex? They upgrade the street in front of their project. That road is a mishmash of new and/or broken pavement.

Developers should be required to pave both sides of the street, not only for everyone’s comfort and safety, but to save money, time and effort on behalf of the Township, which has to finish the other side eventually, we hope. They should be required to do both sides in order to provide smooth passage over the damage done by their heavy construction equipment.

Jeff Laurie,


Langley Times