Animals will usurp humans

Humans will likely be displaced by animals, one reader says.

To the Editor,

The other day a 90-tonne concrete deck section plunged into the Fraser River when a support for the crane gave way. The radio announcer gave the news, “…no marine species were harmed in the accident and there were no human injuries.”

A couple of days before, a six-year-old was hailed as a hero for flagging down some help for his mother and infant sister, trapped in an over turned car that lay in a water-filled ditch. She swerved to avoid hitting some ducks.

The Vancouver Parks Department, in an austerity move, closed their petting zoo. They gave the beasts to a farmer who promised to look after them until they were dead. Seems now they are dead and maybe parts are wrapped up in someone’s freezer.

And finally a couple of strident envirocrats were on the news, lauding the provincial government for “preserving killer whale habitat”. Seems there is now a large area where no boats, no fishing, no loud noises, etc. are allowed.

Today, the “preserve everything” crowd is up in arms about a planned nuisance deer kill in Invermere.

The city wants to cull 170 deer and it sounds like the animal rights people would rather cull the city council.

Tell me, do you think the world’s gone crazy? I know I do.

UVic’s rabbits had to be relocated, not killed. Whistler golfers wait for the bears to move before taking their shots. We pay taxes to house 800 surplus parrots. Ya, the world is crazy.

Gary Seinen,

via e-mail

Alberni Valley News