Anniversary of a tragedy

I wanted to remind you and the people of B.C. of a terrible tragedy that occurred March 13, 2010.

I wanted to remind you and the people of B.C. of a terrible tragedy that occurred March 13, 2010.

Laurel Nadine Wilson and her yet unborn daughter, Chloe, and Laurel’s   father Ralph Jewel, died innocently standing on a street corner waiting to go for a birthday lunch in Abbotsford.

A licensed B.C driver did not stop for a red light and caused a major accident which claimed three generations of a  family.

Chloe, the unborn child, lived for 20 minutes of her short life while Laurel’s father suffered for six months before he finally gave up a valiant fight and lost his life as well.

The man responsible for all this mayhem was given a $2,000 fine and banned from driving.

Far from the results and charges that the families expected from a man who had already broken the law numerous times, and proven he would and has driven without a valid driver’s licence in the past.

This man now walks free in society, thanks to a doctor who without any thought to the public safety, thought this man should have a “get out of jail card” because of a disorder they conveniently discovered shortly after the accident.

Laurel’s family was from U.S. and they laugh at our inadequate justice system. I am proudly Canadian, but I am embarrassed at our Crown counsel and what they call justice.

I can’t change the world nor do I intend to.  I will leave that to the lawyers.

But since I have one less daughter-in-law to hug, one less grandchild to spoil and one less friend to share life with, I might as well use the time to remind the people of B.C. we have a justice system that works for the criminals, a province that will give a driver’s licence to anyone, and if you do get into trouble, get the name of this guy’s doctor. I am sure they can find something wrong with you and guess what, with a little cash and the same Crown counsel, yes, you can get away with murder in B.C.

In memory of Laurel Wilson, Chloe Wilson, Ralph Jewel. You will not be forgotten.

Thomas T. Preckel

Abbotsford News