Another holiday bad news for province’s economy

Even as the lesson of Greece unfolds before us, Premier Christy Clark chooses the same path of fiscal irresponsibility.

To the Editor,

Even as the lesson of Greece unfolds before us, Premier Christy Clark chooses the same path of fiscal irresponsibility.

It’s been said that when you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can be assured of Paul’s support.  In the interest of expediency and vote buying, Clark is offering an unneeded and costly ‘family day’ and despite being in the midst of our coldest month, it plays well with the ‘Pauls’ of the electorate.

The 102,900 (2008) government workers who will enjoy yet another day off with pay, courtesy of the taxpayers and employers in the private sector are Pauls’, as are the employees who gladly see another expense heaped upon their employers.

It’s sad that people can be so selfish and short-sighted, believing that short-term gains will never have repercussions further down the road.

Greece, France, Spain and others who have chosen this path present a clear warning that will, it seems, be ignored.

Premier Clark and the B.C. Liberals are playing us for fools, using our own money to do so.

We rejected the HST which empirically, was a better way to levy taxes, and then we embrace a costly and unnecessary ‘holiday’ at our own expense.

Thomas Jefferson is credited with saying: “The government you elect is government you deserve.”

But H.L. Mencken said it even better: “People deserve the government they get, and they deserve to get it good and hard.”

Randy O’Donnell


Nanaimo News Bulletin