Another site has potential for sewage plant

Couple of spots in Langford could be ripe for sewage plant

Last year I proposed using the gaping hole on Wale Road or the gaping hole at Colwood Corners for the sewage treatment plant.

Neither spot was considered and today we still have no sewage plant and still have those two eyesores.

Well, another spot is waiting for consideration. How about considering the vacant area at the corner of Jacklin Road and Jenkins Avenue? It was supposed to be a retirement home for seniors but has been vacant over a year now.

Perhaps Sobeys could be talked into giving up a part of the old Belmont school property where the skateboard park is, to be a sewage plant.

Remember all this talk, money and search is because the mayor of Esquimalt didn’t want it in her back yard.  Had she said yes to it, we would have a sewage plant up and running now.

Dave Wing


Editor’s note: Esquimalt council voted to reject rezoning the McLaughlin Point property for the sewage plant, after an often heated two-day public hearing.

Goldstream News Gazette