Answers required

I had the opportunity of reading The Morning Star and specifically the column by Richard Rolke entitled “Follow the Paper Trail.”

Now Mr. Rolke raises some very real questions as to the shenanigans that are currently taking place in that so-called bastion of democracy — the House of Commons.

I, also am equally appalled and perturbed by the inanities, double-speak, obfuscation and general lack of any sense of decorum, or to be more succinct an overall disregard as to ethics morality, and last but not least, accountability.

I suggest Colin Mayes read the article and respond to this senior citizen (as well as all other constituents) and enlighten us as to your views, or conversely reply to Mr. Rolke via a letter to the editor.

I and surely Mr. Rolke, look forward to your words of enlightenment.

The last time I looked, it was the Canadian government, not the Harper nor the Conservative government.

In case you forgot, your party is a minority and could easily become the official opposition.

R.W. Kerry,




Vernon Morning Star