Anti-Coservatives rude at all candidates meeting

Once again, as in so many previous cases, the so called “confidential” voters almost always show their true colours in one way or another.

Once again, as in so many previous cases, the so called “confidential” voters almost always show their true colours in one way or another.

How do you tell these people from all others? Just take a drive around the neighbourhood and highway and observe the election signs. Which signs are usually destroyed and defaced? Right you are, and they are most likely not the NDP signs. Draw your own conclusions about the mentality of these voters in our so-called democratic society.

Okay, now let’s go to an all candidate’s forum in Chemainus on the evening of Sept. 29., as I did and observe a less anonymous behaviour of these same kind of voters. The very kind and accommodating organizers of this event, graciously requested of the audience to refrain from personal comments and applause until the end of the evening in order to give as much time as possible to the candidates and questions raised by the attendees. Simple enough to understand, right?

Well, well, not so simple for simple people! When the PC candidate stated his opinion on a certain matter, a large part of the attendees vented their lungs with a loud “boo” and “ooh”. Again, they were reminded to please refrain from this behaviour. In spite of this, I heard more similar venting, as well as applause when “their” candidate opined in a, to them, favourable manner.

My question then, is this: Who do we want to run our beloved country, these people, or the ones who can control their faculties and use the wisdom God has granted them, for the betterment of the country as a whole?

One last word. Please take the time to vote or forever hold your peace! Remember this, if you don’t vote, it’s one less vote for the party you wanted and one more vote for the party you didn’t want.

See you at the ballot box.


Rolf Leben,


Cowichan Valley Citizen