Anti-motorcycle diatribe disheartening to read

Dear editor,
It was very disheartening to read the diatribe of George Peters in your Sept. 21 edition relative to our 32nd annual Teddy Bear Run on Sept. 11.

Dear editor,It was very disheartening to read the diatribe of George Peters in your Sept. 21 edition relative to our 32nd annual Teddy Bear Run on Sept. 11.To start, there were not hundreds of motorcycles and to be precise there were exactly 101 motorcycles registered for this event.It just so happens the cute and cuddly stuffed animals have been collected and turned over to the hospital for the past 32 years. The toys are given to small children to help comfort them when they are hospitalized. The use of “lawless” and “force” by Mr. Peters is so ridiculous and the furthest thing from the truth. This is not about a public relations event; it is about helping others.Unlike Mr. Peters, there were people standing along the roads cheering us on for they know the good we do. In the past we have had police escorts and we did make a request for one but for an unknown reason it was not provided this year.The Comox Valley Totem Riders is a small group of 12 to 16 people who meet every Sunday at the White Spot restaurant. This group has always been small since its inception but has managed to keep this charitable function going every year, even at the personal expense of some of our members.In addition to the stuffed toys, we have always been able to give needy items for children and seniors as well as a sizable cash donation to the hospital foundation. This year, the donation exceeded $3,000. This money goes mainly towards equipment used in treatment of babies and children.I think we are beyond running marathons to raise money for charities, as our ages are approximately 40 to 75 and I think it is safe to say there are no anti-social bullies in our group. As far as loud motorcycle mufflers are concerned, enforcement is a police responsibility. None of our members fall within that category.So, Mr. Peters, we would like to cordially invite you to one of our Sunday morning meetings at the Courtenay White Spot at 8:30 to meet our group and see for yourself if your descriptive comments are appropriate for our members. To show our hearts are in the right place, we will even buy you breakfast.Del Collin,Comox

Comox Valley Record