Anti-Violence Society thanks Barriere for community support

Society gathers donations to support the YCS Safe Home Response Program

Members of Barriere’s Anti-Violence Advocates Society show a number of handmade quilts that were donated to support the Yellowhead Community Services Safe Home Response Program, while standing in front of a car that was quite literally “stuffed” with other donations from the community.  Pictured are: (l-r)  Deb Caldwell, Lynn Wright, Barb Gordon and Grace Baker.

Members of Barriere’s Anti-Violence Advocates Society show a number of handmade quilts that were donated to support the Yellowhead Community Services Safe Home Response Program, while standing in front of a car that was quite literally “stuffed” with other donations from the community. Pictured are: (l-r) Deb Caldwell, Lynn Wright, Barb Gordon and Grace Baker.

To the editor;

We would like to extend our sincerest thanks to all of the community members and organizations who have so generously supported the efforts of the Anti-Violence Advocates society in gathering donations to support the YCS Safe Home Response Program.

With your donations we were able to literally stuff a car with items that were donated to the YCS Safe Home Response Program for Care Kits.

The Care Kits are given to women and children who often leave their homes quickly and without basic necessities.

The Safe Home Response Program has sent their appreciation and thanks to the community and the Anti-Violence Advocates Society for their generous support.

Thank you Barriere for being a community that cares. Your substantial outpouring of support makes a significant difference in the lives of those who are fleeing abuse. These items provide them with the basic necessities at this pivotal time in their lives.

We are well on our way to becoming a community that will not tolerate violence or abuse.

To support or become involved in the Anti-Violence Advocates Society, please contact Barb Gordon at 250-672-2111.

Warmest Regards,

Anti-Violence Advocates Society Board

Barriere, B.C.


Barriere Star Journal