Anticipating apartments at Coulter Berry

Letter writer calls for voices in favour of development to be heard.

Editor: When I first heard about Coulter Berry in Fort Langley, I was quite excited that there were going to be several apartments within the development.  You see, last year my wife passed away and months later I had my leg amputated.

Having lived in the Fort for many years and now alone and unable to drive, the Coulter Berry project seemed  perfect for me, as there are two handicap suites planned for the building.

Now a small group with a “society” will have us believe that they are the “majority,” that they have thousands of signatures and the resources to strike anything down.  They are not the only game in town. Variances to bylaws are quite common.

Yes, I am disappointed and angry.  These people need to look at the whole picture and not just their own self interests.  They need to take a long look at the sod-turning picture taken on Aug. 20, and they will see hundreds of happy faces.

And what about the developers’ costs as well as all the people who are involved in the project supply chain? Let’s not forget about the 24 workers with families who were sent home two months before Christmas.

You see, I will survive, although I might have to leave my friends and relocate to another town.  But I do feel “cheated” by the group of five who think they are in control of our village.

I am hoping this letter is not written in vain and that other voices in favour of this development will be heard.

Fred Jackson,

Fort Langley

Langley Times