Apathy and amnesia in provincial politics

Your choice or rather lack of choice has furthered the rise of dictatorship in this province

Editor, The Times:

Two things concern me about our recent provincial election. In expressing my concerns by way of a thank you to the 48 per cent of the B.C. eligible electorate who saw fit not to exercise their franchise. Your choice or rather lack of choice has furthered the rise of dictatorship in this province.

Secondly I congratulate the 48 per cent of you who exercised your vote by endorsing the BC Liberals. Have you considered that by your choice you have endorsed the historical track record of the BC Liberals, which is to continue the following: The privatizing for profit of health care, education, highways, hydro and the importation of foreign workers in collusion with Harper’s feds to take our jobs until they can by permanently outsourced to third world countries.

While I think it is laudable of us to try to raise the wage standards of the Third World I am not sure that all those supporting the BC Liberals had intended this result. I believe in a more equitable sharing of the earth’s resources, not enriching the already obscenely rich two per cent so that the remaining 98 per cent can be equally poor.

Our system is broken and I don’t believe the solutions proposed by the BC Liberals and the federal Conservatives can do anything but degrade it further.

Wes Morden


Blackpool, B.C.



Clearwater Times