Appalled by ferry incident report

I am writing about the incident on the ferry from Nanaimo to Horseshoe Bay on Saturday, Oct. 17, your handling of it and the way it was reported in your newspaper.



I am writing about the incident on the ferry from Nanaimo to Horseshoe Bay on Saturday, Oct. 17, your handling of it and the way it was reported in your newspaper.

I was amongst the 50 or so unmasked passengers on the ferry, and I am absolutely appalled at the falsehoods in your reports. My husband and I were also verbally assaulted by the same masked couple when we walked along the same aisle. These people rudely taunted us, calling us “f***ing covidiots.” We chose to ignore it and carry on. They seemed determined to provoke some sort of scene, and when a young unmasked mother with her toddler walked past, they were also verbally assaulted. What parent receiving a death wish aimed at their toddler would not react? Do you not have children or grandchildren yourself? How would you feel if someone directed such a comment at your child?

However, this mother summoned her husband and related what had happened, and he remained level-headed and merely asked for an apology, which met with more verbal abuse from the masked people. The description of this encounter as a “brawl” is beyond belief!

It does seem quite suspicious that these abusers were conveniently sitting right by the steward’s office. Were they detained and forbidden to take the ferry back? Was their vehicle searched for weapons? After all, they were the violent party in this incident, and no maskless people exercised any form of assault against any other passengers, masked or unmasked.

Calling the police was ridiculous, and must have been to serve some further purpose of BC Ferry’s management, which I would suggest was to intimidate people and make them fearful, and to try to further enforce their illegal mask requirements by spouting off about bans.

Perhaps also so they could blame schedule delays on the innocent maskless people rather than the real culprits, and the mention of weapons was a disgusting journalistic trick used to inspire fear, both tactics designed to pit people against each other.

Detaining people or banning them from ferry use is illegal by law. There is no legal requirement in place for people to wear masks, in fact, such a requirement violates our Charter rights as Canadian citizens under section 2. The ferry actually belongs to the public thru the Dept. of Transport and Highways, it is OUR boat, not Horgan’s, the employees are our hired public servants and we pay their wages, so these ferry officials were stepping way out of line to project a false perception of their power. Consequently, no charges were laid, because no laws had been broken, but the fake story sensationalizes it all and adds to the propaganda. Meanwhile, the actual assaulters (who could very well have been planted) got off scot-free, and the damage to public perception was done. So there’s the REAL story, and where were your supposed “journalists” I’d like to know?

Why did you not make an effort to investigate the incident yourself before printing false information? You could have mentioned our Charter Rights, you could have mentioned the illegality of mask enforcement, or that the ferry belongs to the public, or you could have interviewed some of the maskless people involved. You could also report on the fact that MILLIONS of people are turning out over and over again around the world, and here in Canada in Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec and various other places besides Vancouver, to protest against the encroachment on our essential rights and freedoms and the impending agenda unfolding due to the covid scam. You could report that there are numerous lawsuits being brought against governments all over the world for their handling of the so-called pandemic, the purpose of which is complete devastation of the economy so a “new world order” can be put in place. A lawsuit against the BC government, with huge support from the public, is currently being prepared, and many others have already been filed all over the world, including a huge one in Ontario filed against the prime minister, the CBC, and the mainstream media, but are you reporting on this?

Where are your reports about the MASSIVE collateral damage this plandemic has caused citizens of the world, far greater than anything caused by a supposed virus? You could use your paper to inform people that 99.7% of people who get it, recover from this virus! Yes, that’s ninety-nine point seven percent! And the remaining .3% is comprised of people over 70 (nearly all over 85) who are already sick and dying! It is no more serious than that other famous coronavirus, the common cold, and the risk of someone dying in a car accident is far, far greater! Where is your common sense? Do you know any sick people? I haven’t met anyone yet who knows anyone who is sick, let alone died, but YOU keep feeding everyone this false fearmongering — why? You have been complicit in keeping ALL this and so much more from the public, because you are a captured agency, due to the huge buy out of all the large media as well as all the small independent papers over the last decade so that there is no true journalism, just a narrative fed by a few rich elite who now own the media. And that is why we have this massive censorship currently going on, all you do now is to print the propaganda that Black Press sends to you and tells you to print. It is absolutely irresponsible and disgraceful and a massive affront to the public who have supported local papers for years.

Those of us speaking out against the approaching tyranny are not “right-wing conspiracy theorists” as your propaganda would have people believe, we are ordinary citizens who have taken the time and energy to research beyond mainstream media like yours, and to find out what is really going on in a much bigger picture and has been in the works for decades. We are speaking out for our precious children and grandchildren and their future lives! Do you not have families and children and grandchildren? What sort of future do YOU envision for them if we continue on the trajectory now taking place towards total global tyranny? Why not take it upon yourselves to become true journalists instead of puppets?

Summer Joy

Campbell River Mirror

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