Apparent lack of planning derails use of park

few moms and dads have occasionally braved the elements to play with their kids on the grass at Willows Park on Beach Drive

For the past three months, only a few moms and dads have occasionally braved the elements to play with their kids on the grass at Willows Park on Beach Drive, so for the most part the area has been virtually deserted.

I see, however, that now we are about to welcome better weather and the grass is beginning to flourish and grow, ready for more energetic spring and summer games on a larger scale, that some jobsworth somewhere has decided to spoil it all for everyone by authorizing digging of more drainage trenches across virtually the whole area.

Who in their right mind, and with any community spirit, let alone common sense, would choose to spoil this lovely park and frustrate the energetic and healthy enjoyment of young folk just as they are getting ready to revive their spring and summer games?

This sort of planning beggars belief and if the excavations and installations continue for much longer, the grass will have little time to recover and there will be no space for the young and energetic, nor us more elderly types taking our afternoon stroll.

Come on – get your act together.

Derrick Johns

Oak Bay

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