Are politicians aware of ICF risks?

Compliments to Reg Nosworthy's diligent research into the Island Corridor Foundation

Re: Reg Nosworthy’s letter to the editor in the Jan. 13 issue of The NEWS.

Nosworthy should be thanked for his diligent research into the Island railway/ICF issue.

The government-funded report he cites gives not only a clear indication of the huge cost projected to restore and repair the line and its infrastructure (multiples of the $20 million currently budgeted), but also of what feels like a  very questionable business case supported by provisos, caveats and, frankly, wishful thinking.

Let’s hope that our elected representatives, who are considering investing taxpayers’ money in this venture, are aware of the inherent risks before they put us all on the hook for what will very likely be a an endless drain on municipal, regional and provincial coffers.

Steve Price-Francis

Qualicum Beach

Parksville Qualicum Beach News