Are you neutral?

Editor: Are you neutral? I am afraid I cannot be…the risk is too great, the profit is too little.


Are you aware that soon, if Prime Minister Harper has his way a pipeline carrying diluted bitumen (tar) will cross our community at two crucial points Boer Mountain, and under the Endako River which flows between Decker and Burns Lake. This pipeline is carrying 1. The dirtiest oil on earth coming from the tar sands in Northeastern Alberta, 2. The extraction of this oil is polluting the Athabascan River and the people downstream, 3. This oil is not for our consumption but is being shipped overseas, 4. It will not lower the price of our oil or create local jobs, 5. Enbridge the company building the pipeline has according to it’s own records had 804 oil spills in the last 10 years

So are we are willing to risk a spill in Saul Creek which runs through our town, or in the beautiful marshlands between Decker and Burns Lake, plus the actual danger to residents of Burns Lake should a pipeline rupture.

Recently I walked through our town, in support of 5 hereditary chiefs representing our local First Nations who have said unequivocally ‘No.  We are not neutral’.

Are you neutral? I am afraid I cannot be…the risk is too great, the profit is too little. For more information visit Lakes District Clean Waters Coalition. Be informed, take a stand,

Respectfully yours,

Paula Laurie


Burns Lake Lakes District News