Are you satisfied with what you may have witnessed in the application process for wildfire recovery supports?

Are you satisfied with what you may have witnessed in the application process for wildfire recovery supports?

100 Mile Free Press took to the streets to ask community members what they think


“We didn’t evacuate and we suffered mostly from the smoke. At the medical clinic, we talked to someone living at 108 Mile Ranch who said they’d got some helpful funding.”

– Bob Grotke

Deka Lake


“I haven’t heard much about that from anyone. It’s been indifferent, as I don’t know people who need the wildfire support to talk to about that.”

– Candy Rowney

Lone Butte


“Well, we got good help. It was our first summer living here after moving up from the Coast, and we were satisfied with our assistance. We hope people will now be more aware of the fire risks.”

– Chris Courtemanch



“When all those people at Soda Creek lost their homes, I have a friend there who lost her whole yard and sheds and horse structures, and she has had people helping her with rebuilding. There was an assessor there looking at her house, which was not very badly damaged.”

– Mabel Haourt

100 Mile House

100 Mile House Free Press