Area D is not the Crimea…

...And Campbell River is not Russia; Quit meddling in our affairs

Albert Einstein once said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

This is exactly what Campbell River politicians are guilty of. Now they are claiming that they just want to “help” Area D residents who have septic problems. As yet no one has officially reported their problem to the health authorities.

Campbell River city council however is still deaf to a number of rejections of all of their proposals to forcibly annex part of Area D.  Is their tactics of harassment and bullying simply to further their own hidden agenda? Why is Campbell River city council continually spending money they are in short supply of on meetings and open houses in our area without any one of them actually attending?

Good decisions are made based on best available information and there is nothing better than getting that information first hand. Why does Campbell River city council continue to pay consultants, analysts and spin doctors etc. to provide them with information that Area D has loudly been telling the entire province? WE DO NOT WANT TO BECOME PART OF CAMPBELL RIVER. How many times do we need to say no?

We are not the Crimea and you (City Council) are not Russia. Just quit meddling in our affairs. There are people who would like sewers, but the vast majority of residents do not want to be forced to be annexed to Campbell River in order to get those sewers. City council knows that sewers can be provided without the forced amalgamation, so what is the real reason they continue to try to annex us when they already know from past experience that they will not all of a sudden get a different result?

I challenge all of Campbell River city council to attend the next open house that you are again paying for to hear for yourself what Area D residents have repeatedly said.  It is at the Oyster Bay Resort on April 30 from 5-8 p.m.

How many of you will come?

Cecil and Helen Henley

Area D residents

Campbell River Mirror