Artificial turf supporters remain optimistic

Dear editor,

Re: Comox Valley United Soccer Club following Courtenay council and CVRD meetings Aug. 15 and 16.

Dear editor,

Re: Comox Valley United Soccer Club following Courtenay council and CVRD meetings Aug. 15 and 16.

After a Courtenay City staff report raised some areas of concern about our club’s artificial turf proposal, Courtenay council voted to rescind its support for a referendum in November.

Although we were disappointed, we were also encouraged because we felt based on the comments expressed by Courtenay councillors, that council still supports the project. We are also greatly encouraged by the support expressed by the regional

district board of directors at Tuesday’s CVRD meeting.

In addition, we have already received a great deal of support by many groups and organizations in the community who have already made significant donations for the project.

We are confident in our ability to allay City staff’s concerns. We look forward to meeting with City staff as soon as possible so that they can put forth a positive recommendation, one that will allow council to fully support the referendum.

With this in mind, we remain highly optimistic about the prospect of a referendum in the spring as suggested by Mayor Phelps.

We believe that a two-field artificial turf complex is the best solution and will have long-lasting benefits, not only for soccer but for the numerous other user groups and for the entire community.

We look forward to continuing to work with the City of

Courtenay, the Comox Valley Regional District, the business community, and all potential users of the facility to turn this project into reality. We believe this project to be well worth the expense and the effort.

Matthew Blecha

Editor’s note: Mathew Blecha is the president of the Comox Valley United Soccer Club.

Comox Valley Record