As the curtain closes

What can I say Golden other than it has been a blast.

What can I say Golden other than it has been a blast.

As I sit here writing this editorial, I know most people will not have the chance to read it until  Wednesday. It just so happens that will be the day I head east out of Golden to the next journey of my life.

It is amazing how fast times has  flown by. Twenty-five months seems to have gone by in a flash thanks mostly to so much going on in this mountain town.

When I first came to Golden many people were taking bets on how long I would be here. Many were saying I would last three or four months. I am happy to say I got to enjoy the area for many more months than that.

As I head out of Golden one last time, many things will be flowing through my mind. I have made many friends and have been very lucky with all of the things I have been involved with since coming to Golden.

When I first moved to Invermere four years ago many people I knew thought working in a small town as a reporter would be boring. This could not be farther from the truth. Bored is something I have not been for the past four years. Yes Golden, you have kept me very busy for the past two years.

As a journalist in a small town, I believe you should get to know as many people as possible because you cover everything that is going on.  It is hard for me to think while sitting here about all the people I have talked to and photos I have taken.

I have been lucky enough to talk to many of the people who helped to build the community through our Golden Moments articles. History has always been a passion of mine and having people open their doors and share the stories of their lives has been special.

Of course there are also many memories that involve music. Golden is lucky to have many great musicians and music lovers who support all of the shows that come to town. Not many people in my position get the chance to take photos of Steve Earle, 54-40, Sloan, Steven Page, Ziggy Marley and the many other great shows that  have been in town. My hearing may not be what it once was but it was well worth the price and I know where ever I am on August 16, a part of me will be thinking I should be taking photos in the Civic Centre.

This feeling will most likely be there as well when hockey season starts. I have enjoyed watching the Golden Rockets perform so well the past two seasons and would have enjoyed seeing them take a run at the championship again this year. But it was not only the games I  enjoyed. It was also spending time with the people who came out to support the team even when the weather tried to keep us at home. Thanks to Curt, Ty, Gino, Tom and everyone else who let me be a part of the ride.

There is so much more I will remember from great nights at the fire pit, the long conversations at the cinema before going to watch a movie, heading to the top of many mountains, debates and discussions with people in the political world and so on. Life is just a ride we are all on and sometimes good things have to come to an end. All I can do in this last sentence is say thank you to all of you for the past two years and I wish nothing but the best for everyone in the future.


Golden Star