Asia a market for oil

China and India are massive markets consisting of more than one-third of the world’s population.

It appears that one-seat-wonder Elizabeth May, who sits as an independent member of the federal Green party, is running a fear campaign against trade with China. What’s next, a fear campaign against India?

China and India are massive markets consisting of more than one-third of the world’s population, and have found that their own “industrial revolution” cannot operate without oil.

Canada has $477 billion worth of oil in the Alberta oil sands alone looking for a market. Asia is that market.

Some of this oil is already finding its way to Asia throughout Vadez, Alaska and also through Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline to Washington State and Burnaby, B.C. Much more is needed.

Certainly with this kind of money involved, we can find a safe and economical way of getting oil to market, in spite of the against-everything vociferous crowds.


Fred Perry, Surrey

Surrey Now Leader